HUNDREDS of moviegoers had to wait in the rain as vandals set off a fire alarm at a Worcester cinema last night.

Around 9pm, two youngsters sneaked into a showing of the hit US comedy American Pie: The Wedding, while a third was spotted by an usher at the Warner Village Cinema, in Friar Street.

When they were ordered out, the trio began shouting and swearing, before hitting an emergency fire alarm.

"They were cursing and making pains of themselves," said Neil Hassall, of Rainbow Hill, Worcester, who was watching the film with three friends. "You could hear them shout and then the alarm went off.

"I imagine it's an automatic function because immediately the screen went black, the lights came on and we were directed out."

Employees ushered the crowds to the front of the cinema, where they waited for the fire brigade.

"They came very quickly but it was raining, which was not great as many people had T-shirts on," said Mr Hassall. "They were inside for about 10 or 15 minutes and we then went back in.

"It was not the most relaxing evening but then it was not the best film either."

Two fire engines attended the scene, spending about 15 minutes checking the cinema and resetting the system.

"It was a malicious breakage of a call-point," said Sarah Jay, a fire control officer. "It happens more than it should. It's mindless and a total waste of everybody's time."