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"He grabbed her throat and squeezed and she fell and banged her head against some railings. Lundy then punched her twice in the face.

"He continued to beat her face and she covered her head with her arms. He was lining up for a kick when she heard a female voice telling him to stop and he was pulled off."

Mrs Lundy was then taken to hospital and X-rayed. Her injuries included a loose tooth - for which she had to wear a brace - and a swollen nose and face, which hampered eating and talking.

"When interviewed he said he was too intoxicated to remember a great deal of what went on," said Mr Whitfield.

"However, he does have a history of dishonesty and crime."

Lundy pleaded guilty to assault causing actual bodily harm and Rob McCrory, defending, said he offered no excuses for his behaviour.

"He told me that there's no excuse for what happened, and this acknowledgement is the best mitigation I can offer," said Mr McCrory.

"However, I can add more. When he was younger he was abused while in care and his stepfather killed his mother. Like so many people with a disadvantaged start in life he eventually turned to crime.

"But he's had four-and-a-half weeks in custody to reflect and he's determined never to go back. He also has a new girlfriend who is supporting him and he wants to be able to cement the relationship."

Lundy was sentenced to a two-year community rehabilitation order, and ordered to pay £100 compensation to his wife and £75 costs at the court yesterday.

His girlfriend, Sarah Jackson, of Rodborough Drive, Warndon, cried after the verdict.

"I'm just happy he's out," said Ms Jackson.

"He is coming off alcohol and he's going to sort himself out."