PERSHORE'S annual celebration of the plum is putting the town on the map nationally, according to the event's organiser.

Dave Shaw, who has run the Pershore Plum Fair for the past six years, said coach loads of visitors were now being bussed in from Birmingham and people were even travelling up from the home counties and Oxfordshire.

This year's fair was held on Monday and plums were selling like hot cakes during the day, so much so that supplies ran out.

"People came from greater distances," said Mr Shaw, "We had people from Buckingham and Oxford coming specially to Pershore and the other departure for this year was that the Birmingham coach operators have now put Pershore in their calendars.

"There were full buses coming from Birmingham. For many of them, it was their first visit to Pershore."

Overall, he added, visitor numbers were up. "One indicator was the Heritage Centre had 461 visitors in one day," he explained, "The previous record was something like 140."

With the influx of visitors, producers did a roaring trade. "Some of the plum producers sold out within 40 minutes of people arriving," said Mr Shaw, "I know the farm market traders were very satisfied.

"The craft stalls and charity stalls were really pleased with their day. Some of the pubs had their busiest day of the year."

He added that the plum fair was now "firmly established" in the calendar and that it could build on its increasing success in coming years.

"Now that St Andrew's Gardens have been opened up, we can make use of that and we can get more happening in St Andrew's Gardens," he said.

Another boost for this year's fair was provided by the use of the new Pershore Town Hall for the fair's exhibition for the first time.