OVER the past few years, the Young Rangers Club has grown to be very popular with its members.

They have enjoyed exciting adventures, daring challenges and crazy races. They have learnt survival skills, map reading and shelter building and have been on trips to Wales, London and Wiltshire.

The Young Rangers have climbed mountains, walked on beautiful beaches, met new friends and, of course, got extremely muddy, messy and mucky.

The majority of these events are carried out on the nature reserves within the Wyre Forest district.

No matter if it is hot and sunny, or the day turns into a thunderstorm, they always seem to go home with grubby grins.

However, there is a more serious side to the club. At each event, an educational aspect is incorporated into the fun activity at hand.

When pond-dipping, the Young Rangers learn about river pollution, how this affects ponds, streams and rivers, and the wildlife that lives within them.

Using this information, the Young Rangers can determine the level of pollution in that particular pond.

On an adventure trail through Habberley Valley, Wyre Forest District Council rangers would show some of the most interesting trees, from the holly tree cave, to the tree of eyes, and of course one of the largest trees in the valley, a towering beech.

The Young Rangers also have a chance to learn about other areas of Britain on the club's annual trips.

Elan Valley in Wales is always a favourite. Here the youngsters are led up a large mountain to its summit, where the surrounding views are spectacular.

They also go trekking, walking many miles around Silbury in Wiltshire, exploring the ancient and mysterious history of Avebury's circle of standing stones, the famous Silbury Hill and also the white chalk horse.

There is now an opportunity for all those children out there aged between eight and 14 to become part of this exciting new programme of outdoor activities.

If you are interested in joining this adventurous club, then contact the Ranger Service on 01562 732971 for further information.