ART CLUB: Harvington Art Club will be holding an exhibition in the village hall on Saturday, September 20, from 10am to noon, when members' art work can be seen and discussed and, possibly, bought. There will be no charge for entry but refreshments will be for sale and any donations towards the club's expenses will be most gratefully received. The group has been meeting regularly every fortnight for some time past, one meeting on Friday afternoons, the other on Friday evenings to accommodate members' preferences. The popular and successful chairman, Alan Davies, is having health problems at the moment and has been forced to hand over the running of the group to ex-chairman Brian Egan, who has volunteered to take this on until Alan is well again. It did seem that the fate of the planned exhibition might be in question, but Brian and the other members have agreed to carry on. They are hoping for the support of the village again, their last exhibition having been very well received.

TRICYCLE: Three-year-old Isaac Hall of Blakenhurst who suffers from Hunter disease and whose plight has stirred the hearts of many well-wishers, is to be the recipient of a new, specially designed tricycle thanks to the efforts of a number of village people who will be raising the necessary funds by doing a sponsored 15-mile run round the immediate area on Saturday, September 27. If you know any of the runners and are in a position to be able to add your financial support, they would be glad to hear from you.

ST JAMES' CHURCH: Help is being sought for the monthly tidy-and-clear-up in the two churchyards at St James' on Saturday morning, starting at 10am. It is a formidable task for the faithful few who try to maintain this big area and a few extra hands would be greatly appreciated.

There will be no Sunday morning service at St James' church on Sunday, the usual service being replaced by a joint Benefice Eucharist at Abbots Morton church. On Sunday, September 6, however, there is to be a Family Service at 9.30am at St James' on the theme of Animals and Creation when money raised in the collection will be donated to the Vale Wildlife Centre.