A COUPLE who declined ruby wedding anniversary gifts and asked well-wishers to support the building appeal have won a bottle of champagne.

Leon and Ena Lloyd, of Furlongs Road, Cleobury Mortimer, held a party to mark 40 years of marriage at the Horse and Jockey pub, Far Forest, last month.

But they told the 70 guests not to give them presents but to donate money to the appeal - and their generosity raised £420.

"When we were looking around for a charity to support we saw Kemp Hospice was looking to expand," said Mr Lloyd, 61.

"It's a local charity and most families have had something like cancer in their lives. We were quite surprised with the level of donations."

Campaign manager John Fletcher said: "Everyone involved with the hospice was delighted at the idea of turning a private, special family occasion into a celebration that brings everyone's vision of a new hospice that much nearer."