GEORGE Cowley claims to be a God-fearing man. In that case he should respect His creation - and that includes foxes and domestic cats.

However, this correspondent does not seem to mind if foxes suffer painful deaths (You Say, August 12).

He also complains about cats because, he says, they kill "dickey-birds".

Yet once, he actually submitted a letter to the Evening News for the sole purpose of telling us how he threw back into the grass, a worm that was crawling towards the road and destruction.

Cats and foxes are sentient creatures - I doubt whether worms feel much, if any, pain.

Another thought occurs to me. That worm may, later, have been in danger of being gobbled up by a bird.

However, perhaps the bird was attacked by a moggy before it could devour the worm!

Yes, Nature is red in tooth and claw - there are clearly many things that none of us, not even George Cowley, fully understands.

D E MARGRETT, Worcester.