FRUITY fun was had by all in Pershore, with music, stalls and tasty treats on offer at the town's historic plum fair.

The annual festival, which originally started in the early 1900s, was resurrected four years ago and his since proved a massive success.

Music from the Celebration Reed and Brass Band, a farmers' market with a proliferation of plums and a beer festival, craft and charity stalls, all helped to make the event the biggest and best yet.

A special plum brew, a plum exhibition in the town hall and even the chance to buy a plum tree, courtesy of Pershore Agricultural College, added to the juicy celebrations.

"It is a very popular event and we are gradually starting to build it up as a town fete with rural crafts, entertainment and refreshments," said Hilary Philpott, Pershore market town manager.

As well as attracting Pershore residents, the event brought in many visitors from across the West Midlands.

"We found we had lots of people from Birmingham and the Black Country, who tied it in with Evesham's angling festival," said Mrs Philpott.