ALAN Tasker scored the best gross and net score of the day to win the Sapey Golf Club monthly division one medal on July 27.

Thirteen-handicapper Tasker hit a gross 79 (net 66) to win by one shot from another 13-handicapper, Andy Mogg, who went round in 80 (net 67).

In third place with a gross 82 (net 68) was Gary Heason.

In division two Neil Holbrow was first with a gross 89 (net 67), Vic Duggan was runner up with 94 (69) and S Macpherson third with 88 (71).

The captain's day competition was won by Peter Clements and Jason Gale with 62 points, runners up were Richard Moore and Keith Leadbetter with 58 points and in third place was Glen Derry and Gordon McBride with 57 points.

The day raised £231 for the captain's charity, The Acorns Hospice Trust Charity.