This week Malvern Hills District Council gave people the chance to have a say in the great GM debate.

Last Monday, the Green Party's John Raine put forward a motion to the council to hold a public debate on the issue. Coun Raine wanted the council, in the words of his motion: "to raise awareness, to consider the range of possible actions that might be taken locall, and to decide our position as a council and as the elected representatives of our communities".

I addressed councillors at the meeting before they debated it. The motion was passed unanimously and it is hoped the meeting will take place in September.

Contrast the attitude of the Liberal Democrat/Green-controlled district council with that of Conservative-controlled Worcestershire County Council. In a letter last month to Coun Lord, leader of the council, I asked it to stage just such a forum but Coun Lord replied that he thought it: "unwise to engage in public debate about GM crops". Unbelievable!

There is great public worry over this issue and I am sure all residents will welcome this enlightened decision by our district council.

CHRIS LENNARD, Green Party GM Spokesman, West Midlands Region, Gloucester Close, Malvern.