AUTOMATIC rising bollards could be put in the High Street to stop people from parking illegally.

The devices would work on a timer basis and rise from the ground at times when the cobbled street should be a car free zone. This is mainly on a Saturday between 10.30am and 4.30pm.

The suggestion came from Droitwich Spa town councillor Don Lawley (Con - South East) who first saw the idea in action at Evesham.

He told members at this month's planning committee meeting: "They make a noise before they come up to warn people it's time to move their cars.

"Anyone who is in the habit of dumping their vehicle in the High Street all day on a Saturday could find themselves locked in."

Town mayor and Spa trader, Cllr Jan Bolton (Con - East) said business in the High Street was dead after 12 noon on Saturday and instead asked if the car ban could be lifted.

"There is literally no-one about after lunchtime and the traders are suffering," she said.

Tory Cllr Terry Spencer said he was aware that trade was 'dire' but didn't think it could be rectified until development of the Waitrose was underway. "I do like the idea of the bollards - I think they could help keep people in the High street," he added.

It was agreed to ask Droitwich Spa Local Strategic Partnership to look into the suggestion.