HOW arrogant Joy Turner's letter (You Say, July 30) sounded when she bemoaned the antics of children playing in the fountains down by South Quay.

Her statement that "the park is the place for children to play, not in our outdoor pleasure areas", really incensed me.

After all, no doubt the parents of those children also contribute to the coffers of this council and therefore this gives them as much right as anyone else to enjoy the facility, naked or otherwise.

Has Joy Turner forgotten what it was like to be a child and the huge attraction that water holds for these little bodies? I am a grandmother now, but I still remember the attraction that water brought to me.

Most people enjoy watching children enjoy themselves and I am sure that the visitors to our city are no different to anyone else. So please "live and let live" and don't begrudge the children their little bit of fun on a Sunday afternoon.


FURTHER to Joy Turner's recent letter, as a parent of four children, the advent of the fountains by the Worcester College of Technology has proved a boon.

My children consider if a treat to romp clad in a bathing costume in the fountains, as Cripplegate Park offers no similar facility.

Many parents are grateful that there is a free attraction to focus the children's attention from the TV and PlayStation.

Let our smallest citizens alone to enjoy a simple pleasure, as I'm sure older generations experienced a lot more freedom than today's children.



WORCESTER'S fountains are used on a daily basis as a pool. Parents come prepared with towels and swimming costumes.

Even when it is cloudy and quite cool there are children playing in the fountains.

Surely this is not the reason they were provided. The city has swimming pools to be used for this purpose.

Litter is left everywhere and the area needs to be cleaned every morning at great expense to council taxpayers.

JANET DALE, Martley, Worcester.

I'M saddened to read Joy Turner's remarks about children enjoying themselves playing in the riverside fountains.

My understanding was that they were for us all to enjoy and not just the chosen few! I think you will find that the caf customers and musicians alike were all children themselves once.



JOY Turner appears to censure children for running about and enjoying themselves.

What else are children supposed to do?

