JOHN Branson of Claines writes: "Tories and others who fully supported the war are equally guilty."

Of what, exactly? The left-wing never seem to get out of their Opposition psyche, do they? I'm sorry Mr Branson, but the sad demise of Dr David Kelly is within a Labour-created situation. Nobody else's.

Why, Mr Branson? Because they are the party in power (God help us). They're in Government, it's their agenda, it's their foul-up, it's their Director of Communications and it's their Heads of the BBC. Not a Tory in sight.

Just because you don't like Mr Blair it doesn't mean you should have a potshot at the Tories.

In any case, Peter Nielsen pours scorn and vitriol on Blair far better than you. And we all know that Blair would have joined the Conservatives if he'd thought for a second he'd had the intellect to rise through the ranks.

N K CHANCE, Severn Stoke.