A CLUB has been formed to help lobby for new facilities in Pershore for skateboarders and roller-bladers.

Pershore Skating Club will meet for the first time at the Riverside Centre next Wednesday, August 13 at 5pm.

An appeal has been launched for adult committee members to help the youngsters push forward with their appeal for a skatepark in the town.

Councillor Val Wood said the club would encourage young skaters to take responsibility for the scheme. "Many of the skaters say they would like to help younger children learn about skating. They also say that when the skatepark is built they could help them get there safely."

She added that the club would help the youngsters themselves get closely involved in the project from the outset. "I suspect that the youngsters involved in the club will be very concerned about their skate park and will do everything they can to make sure it is looked after properly."

Coun Wood said the club still needs adults to help run the committee. She is acting as temporary chairman and town resident Dave Wood - no relation - is acting as treasurer and secretary. "More input from adults and parents would be wonderful," she said.

Recently, momentum has been growing behind a proposed £33,000 facility on the Abbey Park. Funding has not been confirmed for the scheme but it is thought a planning payment by the developers of Cherry Orchard House could cover half the cost.

"We happen to be in the right place at the right time and things are starting to come together," said coun Wood.