TWO soccer coaches from Worcestershire will be stepping out on to the hallowed turf of the Millennium Stadium, Cardiff, on Sunday at the Community Shield game between Arsenal and Manchester United.

Annette Vennard, a manager and coach at Worcester City Girls, and Bob Gibney, manager of Bredon Colts Under-9s, will both take part in a coaching demonstration of young footballers.

Andy Norman, football development officer at the Worcestershire FA explained: "McDonalds are the grass roots sponsors for the Football Association and the partnership has formed a national coaching initiative to train 8,000 coaches over the next four years.

"Earlier this year, we ran a Level 1 coaching course for 17 coaches from Charter Standard Clubs, courtesy of McDonalds, who then also gave each coach two tickets to the Community Shield.

"The West Midlands region of the FA were then asked to provide coaches for the coaching demonstration and Bob and Annette volunteered."

The Worcestershire FA, in partnership with the Herefordshire FA, are currently organising a women's only McDonalds course and there will be another one during the season.

Anyone interested should contact the Worcestershire FA for further details.