VACANT NHS accommodation in Wyre Forest should be used to keep mental health patients together and avoid any reduction in beds during a hospital redevelopment, it has been claimed.

Public sector union Unison, which represents about 20 staff at Stourport's Lucy Baldwin Hospital, has urged Worcestershire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust to move the elderly patients at the 18-bed hospital en masse to a district destination.

The facility is due to start closing this month for up to two years while it is rebuilt with a private partner.

Unison said it had raised the possibility of using vacant NHS accommodation at Kidderminster Hospital and the Lea Castle Centre in Wolverley - which cares for special needs children - following a staff meeting last month.

Regional officer Edna Hall said: "The members would like alternative accommodation to be found within Wyre Forest so that services and staff can be kept together as a unit, causing as little disruption as possible to the frail and elderly mentally ill patients in their care."

The trust has announced nine out of 13 in-patient beds will be transferred to Bromsgrove and said the four respite care beds will be relocated within the district.

But Mrs Hall added these plans will not accommodate all patients.

"There will be a reduction in bed numbers of five which will mean a reduced service will operate in Bromsgrove and some people requiring in-patient care will wait longer for admission."

There is already a waiting list for admission to the current 18 beds, she pointed out.

Trust spokeswoman Marion Smith said she was not aware of the suggestion being raised but stressed "every aspect of where people can go" was being explored.

The trust has previously pledged NHS care will be available to those who need it during redevelopment.