A HAIR-erasing event, in full view of chanting hordes of pupils, saw Tenbury High School headteacher Stuart Cooke lose his fine head of hair to an electric shaver.

Escorted into the main hall by a specially chosen pretorial guard -- deputy head Pauline Tavernor and chemistry teacher Nigel Witcomb, Mr Cooke, complete in gown and mortarboard, mounted the platform to stamping feet from well over 100 students.

Shaver at the ready, former pupil and hair stylist Fliss from Soap Opera in Teme Street, made the first creative cuts before handing over to a very keen year 7 pupil, Grant Duffy, to tidy up the loose ends.

Daily tasks

Hair cut complete and facing up to calls "It suits you, sir" from Jack Ioannou, (year 9) and "What's your wife going to say, sir? from 'leader of the pack' Jamie Higgins (year 7), the bold and bald Mr Cooke went back to his daily tasks delighted with his fund-raising efforts for the Special Status fund.

Stuart Cooke said: "I once had a fine head of hair but now I am having to adjust to my skin-head phase before the autumn term begins. It's all in a very good cause, not only for the school but for a trek across Peru in aid of Voluntary Service Overseas."

Not satisfied with one close shave, the baying pupils wanted another, passing the hat round again. They stumped up another £25 if Nigel Wit-comb agreed to have his legs and hairy chest shaved -- and the brave chap did.

The lunch time event brought much end-of-term merriment, and £200 for the good causes.