THINK Lesley Joseph, and Dorien, her character in long-running BBC sitcom Birds of a Feather, immediately springs to mind.

The role of the brassy, sex-obsessed neighbour is a million miles from the down-to-earth northern women characteristic of Alan Bennett's work.

But it's as part of a Bennett double-bill that Lesley is booked to appear at Malvern Theatres.

She is to star opposite Edward Hardwicke, famous for his role as Watson opposite Jeremy Brett's Sherlock Holmes, in Office Suite.

It should come as no surprise to see her tackling such a demanding stage role. After graduating from the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art, she has tackled Shakespeare and Chekhov - not to mention Annie in the West End, a one-woman show, Singular Woman, and The Vagina Monologues.

Despite this wealth of experience, she has never had to put on a Yorkshire accent before and confessed to being quite nervous - especially as some criticism came her way for her American accent in Annie.

She is a great admirer of Bennett's work, and jumped at the chance to star in a 'new' production - the two plays in Office Suite had never been performed on stage before, having only appeared on television in the 1970s.

"I never imagined myself doing an Alan Bennett play," she admitted. "But I love it!"

She said the first time they performed it was "quite scary".

"It's like a switchback," she added. "Once you get on, you can't get off!"

However, she is looking forward to bringing the act to Malvern. "I'm thrilled," she said. "Malvern Theatres has such a good reputation.

"If you appreciate good theatre and enjoy Alan Bennett, then come and see it."

Office Suite opens on Monday, August 11. Tickets are 01684 892277.