HOLLYBUSH residents want a mock-up mobile phone mast to be put up again because they say it was not in the place they expected it to be.

The mast was put up by phone giant Vodafone as a trial run to show what a proposed permanent mast would look like.

But local people say the 17.4 metre tall mock-up mast, also called a pump-up mast, was not where they expected.

Vodafone is considering erecting a mast in the village and in Eastnor, where another mock mast was placed the next day.

The chairman of Eastnor and Donnington Parish Council, Chris Holbourn, said the map he received and copied for members of the community, had highlighted a different site about 100 yards from where the mast was actually put up.

"The whole thing was not terribly successful," he claimed. "The mast put up was not indicated on the map so people had a job finding it.

"I distributed numerous copies of the map we received, of one site, when we should have got a map for another.

"I'd like to go through the whole routine again and put it in the same place as the map."

Vodafone spokeswoman Jane Frapwell said: "This was very much a pre-planning application discussion and a way of being as open and transparent with the parish council as possible.

"It's unlikely these were going to be 'x-marks-the-spot' maps but more likely saying we are looking at this area.

"If the parish council has any problems we are very happy to talk to them."

Ms Frapwell could not confirm when an application will be made.

"It depends on what we are asked to do, how the reaction to the design goes and whether it will need adjusting," she said.