According to last week's Malvern Gazette (July 25), a married couple taking a stroll near British Camp were attacked by young bandits using stones and an air rifle.

This calls into question the safety of walking our hills which could have an economic effect on the community and also what the thugs were doing that necessitated driving off unwanted walkers.

And what was the laughable reaction of the boys in blue? They sent one officer who "undertook a search of the area".

That says it all; two innocent members of the public are attacked with a firearm and the police send just one bobby to have a look around. Case closed I suppose. I am not sure which causes the more concern, the attack itself or reaction by the police.

So what has to happen to get a worthwhile reaction from the police force? Mass murder or exceeding the speed limit? Perhaps the latter is more likely. We are getting a very poor deal from our police service.

Tony Hocking, Church Road, Malvern.