A DETERMINED Malvern woman is celebrating passing her grade 8 piano exam, 57 years after she took her first exam and two years after she suffered a stroke.

When Teresa Fry, 73, of Abbey Road had a stroke, it left her paralysed down her right side and she had to re-learn basic skills such as walking and writing.

Taking the Grade 8 exam was a real challenge. Mrs Fry said: "It was hard, but playing the piano was good therapy."

Mrs Fry had taken her first piano exam when she was 16, but had not bothered to pursue the hobby until 1999.

After 18 months of lessons, she then sat her grade 6 and 7 exams.

She was adamant that suffering a stroke would not stop her from taking her final exam and after a lot of hard work, is proud of all she has achieved.

"I couldn't have succeeded without the endless patience and constant encouragement of my teacher, David Cooper," she added.