AS you reported last week, the Conservators have fenced off an area of End Hill to allow the release of cattle as part of its scrub management programme. This raised a number of concerns.

The first is the very large area involved: the whole of the western side of End Hill, from the ridge line down to the lowest path. Is it really necessary to enclose such a large area?

More worrying is the fact that the entire run of electric fence runs alongside heavily used footpaths. Along one section, the live wires run literally within inches of the path. While it may be suitable on private farmland, do the Conservators really believe it is appropriate to have electric fence on public land, in an area well used by resident, visitors and children? Why has it been placed so close to the footpaths?

The fencing has been put up in such a way that it is inevitable that someone will touch it, quite possibly as a result of a stumble or trip. Given that the wire carries a charge large enough to deter a full grown bullock, can the Conservators confirm what the effect on a small child touching the fence would be?

What efforts have been made by the Conservators to keep local residents informed as to their plans, in particular how long the fencing will be in place?

PHILIP STRIPLIN, Ebrington Road, West Malvern.