PARISH COUNCIL: Sheepwash Bridge - No repair work has yet been carried out.

Stop Sign (Long Hyde Road) - A communication had been received from Worcestershire County Council stating they had no authority to change this sign but they would apply to the secretary of state.

Anchor Bank - A letter had been received from Worcestershire County Council stating that ground investigations were nearing completion but it was unlikely any repairs would be carried out in this calendar year.

Litter Bin - It was agreed to purchase a bin for outside the village hall, which would entitle the parish council to a second one. This to be placed on the play area.

Bus shelter - Permission is still being sought for this to be sited adjacent to the crossroads.

Village Hall -A meeting is to be held with a community council representative.

Parish Plan - It was agreed Mr Smith to produce a document before holding a public meeting to form a committee.

Cleeve Road - Re-surfacing should be carried out in the next two weeks.

Post Box (North Littleton) - The chairman had met a representative from Royal Mail and the post box is to be re-sited on the village green next to the noticeboard.

Quality Parish Council - Mr Bashford agreed to produce a newsletter to be delivered to every house in the parish.

Dog Fouling - A complaint had been received from a parishioner regarding the amount of dog fouling in North Littleton. It was agreed, through the newsletter, to request dog owners to clean up after their dog.

Vandalism - It was reported the seat on the Pound has once again be vandalised. It is thought the seat is now beyond repair.

Footpath, Arrow Lane - Worcestershire County Council are to be requested to side out this.