GARDENING CLUB: For the July meeting 23 members visited Pershore Plant Raisers at Pensham.

They were hosted by the proprietors Mr and Mrs Edward Wilson, and did not allow the inclement weather to spoil their visit.

The tour of the nursery started with an examination of the stock beds, from where all the cuttings are taken. Members then moved on to the greenhouse where all the cuttings are grown and were able to browse amongst the more mature plants outside. The business has been trading for 25 years. As well as the penstemons a wide selection of salvias are also grown.

The visit concluded with refreshments being kindly served by the hosts who had been on hand throughout the visit answering member's questions.

The next meeting is on Wednesday August 27 at the Memorial Hall, Wickhamford, and includes the 'Summer Show'.

Schedules can be obtained from Julia Browning on 01386 830347, or for any further information contact the chairman Colin Hill on 01386 853412.