PARISH COUNCIL: There was a Declaration of Interest by Coun McDonald - resident's non pecuniary declaration of interest on issues associated with Salters Lane.

Footpaths - The Clerk reported that, at a cost of £100, path No 14 had now been cut back and access was now possible.

Netball Post(s) Coun Smith informed the council that she was still waiting to hear from the makers for the ring and netting for the posts.

Parish Plans - Coun Floyd outlined his latest thinking on the Parish Plans and had amended the original draft. A request was made for the Councillors to give a feed back within two weeks.

Football Pitch - The Clerk reported the Football Pitch has now been moved to its original position. A complaint had been received that holes had not been filled in from where the posts were previously. Action has been taken on this matter.

Village Hall Steps - Coun M. Martin had produced the final plan but was checking to enquire if planning permission was required before placing out to tender. A copy is to be issued to the Village Hall Planning Committee. Coun Lampard was asked to arrange for the Parish Council Chairman, Coun M. Martin, to attend the next Village Hall committee meeting.

Plans - Approval has been given on application W/03/00739/PP to Mr. & Mrs. Gartlan for the demolition of a stable block and the building of a games room.

An advertising sign on the highway through Lower Moor is causing some concern and is in breach of highways policies. One such sign has reappeared subsequent to a rejected planning application. The Clerk has written to the enforcement officer on this matter.

The relocation of the caravan on ground adjacent to Church Lane, now rests with the W D C Enforcement Department.

Clerk's Fees - A resolution was passed to increase the Clerk's Fees by 3% as per the Council's annual review.

Councillors Issues - Coun C Martin reported on a meeting she had attended of the District Police Community Consultation Group. The next Burial Site meting is to be held on July 16.

Coun Lampard brought to the attention of the Council the state of the footpath along the A44 to Salters Lane.

Reporting as the Parish Council representative to the Village Hall Committee, he indicated the profit made on the Fete was close to £900. It was noted that work is required on the electrics in the Village Hall. The village hall committee are considering appointing a caretaker. Terms and conditions are to be prepared and agreed for this appointment. The Clerk reported on an anti-social incident in Blacksmiths Lane on the June 30.

The matter was reported to the police.

Next meeting is September 4, 2003.