ARELEY KINGS WI - At the July meeting Iris Steadman reported on the ramble at Wolverley, Pat Griffin on the strawberry tea hosted by Lickhill, Di Parkes on the outing to Bath, and Patsy Anderson spoke on being a delegate at the national meeting in the Royal Albert Hall, London.

Sylvia Tudor-Hughes will be hosting a social evening at her home on Friday, August 8, at 7pm.

There will be a trip to teh Royal Worcester Porcelain Works on September 1 and a play day has been organised for Saturday, September 20, from 10am until 3pm in Astley village hall. A craft fair will be held in the Guildhall, Worcester, on October 25.

Joy Pinder was the guest speaker, on Lunch at the Palace.

The next meeting, in Lickhill community centre, will be held on September 8, starting at 7.30pm.

The speaker will be John Price on Memories are made of this. The competition will be for tips on how to remember. Visitors will be welcome.