READING in the Times Past column of the Shuttle/Times and News from 25 years ago, I see that a by-pass for Kidderminster was proposed as long ago as 1960.

Oh, how I wish the powers-that-be had had the foresight, courage and money to press ahead with its construction then.

Just think, there would have been no need for the town to have been ripped to pieces, communities destroyed and buildings such as the Playhouse Theatre and Black Horse Hotel demolished to make way for a never-to-be completed ring road which has made traffic congestion worse and isolated the town centre.

With the by-pass, the environs of places such as Chester Road, Broadwaters and the Birmingham Road would be much more amenable and totally different to what they are today because of the volume of traffic.

Of course, all hope of that by-pass ever being built now is conceded.

Protests from "nimbys" and those who use environmental issues to further their Luddite views would put a stop to any progress in that direction.

Also, if a few long-buried persons can put a stop to the ring road and a handful of cardigan-wearing misfits can stop the demolition of a derelict, useless eyesore (the Piano Building), what chance has Kidderminster got to progress?

So far, all the improvements seem to have made things worse.


Briar Hill

Chaddesley Corbett