A TEENAGE car thief's mother wept as he was locked up for breaching his supervision order on numerous occasions.

The 14-year-old from Malvern, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was spotted by a member of the public breaking into a car in May this year.

"The man saw two youths in the vehicle, who started the engine and reversed out of the car park," said Mike Cowley, prosecuting.

Police caught the youths near Madresfield Road, Malvern, on Saturday, May 31.

The teenager admitted driving the car and having no driving licence or insurance.

He was given a three-year supervision order, starting with a six-month intensive supervision and surveillance programme.

But Worcester magistrates heard yesterday he had failed to comply with the order.

Edward Gaynor-Smith, defending, said the youngster had only breached the order over a two-week period, and had returned to it over the past week.

"He has found a lot of the sessions extremely useful," he said.

But magistrates revoked the existing order and gave the youth a four-month detention and training order.