THE decision to go to war with Iraq was made by George W Bush and supported by Tony Blair many months before the actual invasion took place.

The charade of going to the United Nations to seek some sort of legality for the decision was never going to interfere with the actual invasion.

The spectacle of Labour MPs who supported the illegal action, now trying to find some scapegoat in the Civil Service who they can blame for misleading them into voting for the war, is positively sickening.

Tories and others who fully supported the war are equally guilty.

While we are continually told that the Health Service, schools and other public services are strapped for cash, Gordon Brown assures us that however many billions it costs, the illegal war will continue to have priority.

In these kind of situations one is bound to ask, what faith we can have in our elected representatives.

As a Labour Party member, I sincerely hope that all the MPs (including my own), who got us into this mess by not voting against the war, will be subjected to a full re-selection process before standing again at the next General Election.

There must be no gerrymandering or interference from unelected officials from Millbank.


Claines, Worcester.