THE July garden meeting was held at Dunhampstead Manor, the home of Mary Gray. In spite of the weather forecast we had a glorious summer afternoon.

Our president, Margaret Shearer, welcomed us as we sat in the shade and a few important notices were given out. Jean Westwood gave a very apt report on our visit to Burford House and Gardens, it had been a most enjoyable outing. Business matters were kept to a minimum in order to allow us to enjoy our surroundings. The majority followed an orienteering course and quiz, which enabled us to fully appreciate the lovely grounds, whilst a few played croquet. We all felt too lazy to attempt the tennis that was on offer. We then enjoyed a really delicious tea beautifully prepared sandwiches, scones and cream, assorted cakes and a dish of strawberries topped with meringues. It was good to see everyone relaxing and enjoying each other's company in such a lovely garden on a nice summer afternoon.

Grateful thanks were extended to Mary's husband and son who had been on hand to help with the outdoor preparations; Mary was given a Peace Plant in appreciation.

The competition, a buttonhole, was won by Gill Wilson and two lucky ladies won raffle prizes. This concluded a truly memorable garden party.

Our next meeting will be on September 9 at Hadzor & Oddingley Village Hall, when we will have a talk by Brian Draper on 'What is a river?' Visitors are welcome.