The Worldwide Guide to Movie Locations by Tony Reeves (Titan Books, £16.99)

WANT to know where Harry Potter was filmed? The Sound of Music... Star Wars?

Here's the perfect travelling companion for every movie fan. Within its 416 pages is updated coverage of more than 1,500 films together with around 1,000 exclusive photographs.

Listed alphabetically by title there is also a cross-reference gazetter and an index of alternative titles.

It's amazing just how some films take on a life of their own in the real world.

For instance, in 1994, the Queen Elizabeth Suite of the Crown Hotel, Amersham, Buckinghamshire, suddenly became booked up for years in advance.

The reason? It was where Hugh Grant rattled the four-poster with Andie McDowell in Four Weddings And A Funeral.

And in 1989, the tiny town of Dyersville, Iowa, US, became a tourist mecca. It was where Kevin Costner's supernatural baseball pitch was built for Field of Dreams.

Tracking down the twin railway bridges that rattled the Bijou fleapit in The Smallest Show On Earth (adjacent to Kilburn Tube Station, London) was a personal best for self-confessed movie freak Reeves.

For some reason, Captain Correlli's Mandolin is omitted, but you can check out Billy Elliot to discover it was mostly filmed in Easington, County Durham, though the hall where he practiced is 100s of miles away in Hanwell, London.

Open a bag of popcorn, sit back and enjoy.

David Chapman