A SPEED limit of 30mph is to be imposed on the entire length of School Crescent, Corse and 40mph in Malvern Road from Staunton Cross to the Old Chapel and part of Straight Lane, it was reported at the bi-monthly meeting of Corse Parish Council chaired by Councillor Pat Lewis. The need for a turning sign (circle) sign in School Crescent was also brought to the notice of the council by coun Fred Priday who also reported on the difficulty of large vehicles turning there. It was reported that the new road signs for the main entrances into the village would be in place in the next two weeks and will bear the logo of the Prince of Wales public house.

Clerk Norman Davis reported on the possible replacement of the village seat, which had been stolen, the police had said it was unlikely for it to be recovered and he had looked into the possibility of a replacement, which would be vandal proof. He also spoke of other vandalism.

Complaints had been received on the condition of Church Lane where the hedges on both sides were badly in need of cutting back. Corse Parochial Church Council had asked for consideration of a donation toward the cutting of the churchyard and after discussion it was agreed to make a donation of £175 for this purpose.

The dangers for motorists crossing over the road at the Orridge Street/Pitts Mill junction was drawn to the attention of the council by coun Bates.

Planning matters. St George's Baker - approval with conditions. Crynlys Stud - no justification. The Scout Hut - approval given.

The clerk brought to the notice of the council a bill for £107.86 had been received from the Forest of Dean District Council for election costs though there had been no elections in the parish.