AN action group has been launched to fight for under-threat first schools.

St Barnabas and Lea Street in Kidderminster as well as village schools in Wilden, Stone and Wolverley are all represented and others threatened with merger under Worcestershire County Council's district education review can also join.

A public meeting is planned for September 10 to assess the progress of individual campaigns and plot the next moves under the review - which aims to tackle surplus places and raise standards.

Nigel Knowles, chairman of the Parents 4 St Barnabas group committee which got the joint move underway, stressed schools had to stand on their two feet but said their position would be strengthened if they spoke with one voice. He added St Barnabas - which may have to merge with Marlpool First at Marlpool - and other schools would be putting their case to the county following their meetings with officers.

Plans to battle mergers might include seeking listed building status for historic school buildings to thwart redevelopment.

Meanwhile more than 1,000 Wolverley residents have signed a petition opposing the closure of the village first school - and pupils have also been making their feelings known

If the county opts for a two-tier system - just primary and secondary schools - Wolverley First may have to merge with St Oswald's First at the Kidderminster site.

Children made two giant coloured hearts - as well as dozens of smaller versions - to be plastered round the school to signify it is at the "heart of the village".

"If we lose the school we've got nothing really," said Kathryn Powell, chairman of the Parent Teacher Association

"A lot of the parents said they would move if there's no school."

Miss Powell added: "It doesn't make any sense to close us. There's room to expand, there's fantastic Ofsted reports and it's too far away to merge us with St Oswald's.

"To get there, I'll be walking up the road and there's no footpath. It's not an option for Wolverley not to have a first school."

For further information on the joint action group contact Mr Knowles on 01299 402343.

Group fighting

to save schools