OUT AND ABOUT: The funeral of John Wheeler who for many years ran his car repair business in Westholme Road, took place at St Lawrence's Church on July 14. The funeral was well attended and was accompanied by a piper. Sympathy is extended to Mr Wheeler's family.

A fete was held at the Shakespeare Hospice on Saturday, the proceedings were opened by Sergeant Bergerac ably assisted by John Nettles, an interesting afternoon at the Shottery venue.

Pitchill House at Rushford held its annual fete on July 19, stalls and entertainment to raise funds for Pitchill House. Long Marston village fete was also held on July 19, stalls were held with a backdrop of the Manor House, a good afternoon in a nice rural setting. On Sunday afternoon Alcester Court Leet held their annual garden party at Long Barn which lies between Alcester and Astwood Bank. Luddington fete, is this Sunday, July 27.