REFORM of the Common Agricultural Policy was described as a bit of a mixed bag by Liz Lynne, the West Midlands Euro MP, who lives in the Vale of Evesham.

"I welcome the fact that EU member states will be able to completely de-couple payments to farms from production but I am troubled they will also be free to continue with the same market-distorting production-based subsidies of the past 45 years," she said.

She added: "The truth is, the agricultural ministers agreed to disagree and have stretched the definition of the word common to breaking point.

"Despite reassurances, I am concerned that this may put countries that introduce reforms at a competitive disadvantage and would urge the European Commission to ensure this does not happen.

"However, despite my misgivings, there is no getting away from the fact that this is a historical achievement and a major step in the right direction. I only hope that the combined pressure of other EU member states and the World Trade Organisation will convince the anti-reform countries to change their minds."