IN response to Mr Barton's letter regarding the illegal parking of motorcycles in Severnside North, Bewdley (Shuttle/Times and News July 17), I am delighted to see he is pleased about the restricted zone for the consumption of alcohol.

I am well aware of the problems he had experienced. He says he can tolerate the motorcycle enthusiasts parking along Severnside North. Well he would, as he lives in Load Street.

Thousands of pounds have been spent to enhance Severnside North, with block paving and expensive railings and to make it a one-way street with parking restrictions.

Because of the flood defence scheme this street is now almost world famous and I know of people who have visited our town just to look at this.

The town council's ultimate aim is to pedestrianise this street but this is proving difficult at the moment, so our aim is to make it as pedestrian-friendly as possible.

The footpath has been widened and a safe walkway along the quay wall has been created to allow people to walk along the quay and to safely feed the ducks and swans.

Because the motorcyclists are being allowed to park next to the railings, this safe walkway is being obstructed. As I have stated before, I agree the motorcyclists cause no trouble in our town and they are very welcome to visit us.

I fully support efforts to make our town a safer and more pleasant place to live, but I also represent the constituents of my ward, which includes the town centre. Many are concerned about the illegal parking in Bewdley and, as Mr Barton reported, High Street.

The residents of Severnside North had been informed that the police response to the illegal parking would be negligible, but at a recent meeting of the police/community consultation group, of which I am a member, Insp Baker said the illegal parking of motorcycles along Severnside North would not be policed but the cars illegally parked there would be reported.

The only way to resolve this matter is to fully pedestrianise the road and to find the motorcyclists an alternative safe place to park.


Town councillor

Lyttelton Road
