I AM writing on behalf of the children and parents of the Rynal, Swan Lane, Rynal Place, Leicester Grove to councillor John Smiths comments in the Journal re 60 flats.

There were two meetings in the Town Hall, one in Public Hall over parking, nowhere safe for the Rynal children to play only on the street which because of increased traffic, it was stated I quote 'bollards would be placed across the roads by no 1 and 2 Rynal Place' which we still are waiting for. Two crossings one of the four corners at top of Leicester Grove the other across Swan Lane by Rynal Street so far nothing. I admire the gentleman who at the end of the Public Hall stated I've listened for one and a half hours to a load of dribble. I suggest a meeting of our council reps and Mr Smith as to why nothing has been done. The traffic at busy times up the Rynal is very heavy so please do something before a child gets hurt with 91 more flats and four houses at the bottom of our street and all the extra traffic up by and going to the Swan Lane School will be terrific. Surely the money for the crossings could be paid for by the Wychavon car parks money in Evesham.

DONALD N JELFS, Senior citizen, Rynal Neighbour Hood Watch member, Rynal Place, Evesham.