RECREATION CENTRE: It may seem like it has gone quiet but there has been a lot of backroom activity going on. There is now a full compliment of people on the steering committee. These are: Maggie Forrest (chair and grant application), Marion Talbot (secretary), Julie Tuck (financial), Arthur Ore (parish council rep), Phil Sagar (fundraising sub-committee), Richard Arnold (play area sub-committee), Sarah Fincher (under fives rep).

The first meeting was held on Monday, July 21. The steering committee will now start doing feasibility calculations to determine if they can afford to provide and run all the requested facilities. Once this is done there will be an open meeting to discuss the findings and to get agreement on the way forward. The next stage will be to go for outline planning permission for the scheme.

We are looking to raise £46,000 by May 2006. There are a number of fundraising activities already planned but if you have any new ideas please let anyone on the steering committee know.

Here's looking forward to Flower Festival 2006 when we are going to show off our new facilities!

The fashion show held on Friday, July 18 in aid of the new recreation centre was a great success. A very professional show was put on by Nightingales of Winchcombe and the models were excellent. Joan Green and the ladies from WI provided a delightful supper. About £300 was raised. Congratulations to all involved.

ECKINGTON CUBS: Have enjoyed a very wet end to their year. As ever it has been an action packed month. Canoeing at Croft Farm was a firm favourite, with as much time spent in the water as on it! The following week the cubs experienced the fun of Martyn's huge water slide.

It had been an excellent year for both children and leaders. If you would like to join next term (both adults and children) please contact Martyn and Pauline on 01386 751159 or Carolyn on 01386 750043.

Cubs are also entering two teams in the Eckington Raft Race on August 30. Good luck Cubs" For more information on the raft race, please ring Richard Salisbury on 01386 751524.

THURSDAY CLUB: Are going to Weston-Super-Mare on August 7. If you would like to join them please ring Janet Vaughan on 01386 750066 or Margaret Draper on 01386 750316. The next regular meeting is on August 21, 2.15pm in the village hall.

VILLAGE GOLF CHALLENGE: This years challenge will take place at Puckrup Hall at 1.15pm on September 21. If you would like to get involved please call Ian Skilling on 01386 751140 if you live in the top half of the village, and Chris Richards on 01386 750118 if you live in the lower half.

FIRST SCHOOL: The final figure the children raised for the Acorns Children's Hospice during their maths week was £195.77. Well done children and all who supported the two events.

SPORTS DAY: On Sunday, September 7. Plans are well under way and volunteers from the village are now needed. If you could bake a cake for the day please ring Sarah Fincher on 01386 751692. Sports themed tombola prizes can be given to Janet Vaughan, Margaret Draper or Liz Crumpton. If you can lend garden tables and chairs, or gazebos, on the day, please ring Terry and Caroline Barrett on 01386 751892 to arrange collection or delivery times. Help to run the stalls will also be needed; if you can spare an hour or two, please ring Caroline and Terry.

This year all money raised will go towards the new recreation centre.

INFANT WELFARE CLINIC: Will be holding a jumble sale on Saturday, August 2, 2pm in the village hall, for clinic funds. Donations may be taken to the hall during the morning or ring Cynthia Norton on 01386 750860.

PARISH COUNCIL: The recent council dealt with a range of issues, a summary is provided below:

Parish Councillor Vacancy: Caron Steele was co-opted to the council.

Dog Bins: Wychavon District Council and the parish council will be joint funding the installation of two dog bins at Upper End and in Station Road near Court Gate Nursery.

Recreation Centre: The council agreed to fund 50 per cent of the total cost of providing replacement safety bark for the pedestal slide in the play area.

Holy Trinity Churchyard: An inspection of the trees within the churchyard has been carried out, and the report has detailed action required. Parish Plan: The council has submitted a formal application to the Countryside Agency to inform them that the community is undertaking the production of a parish plan.

Low Cost Housing Development, Pershore Road: The parish council is committed to try and influence the development and the proportion of rent to shared ownership properties available.

Parish Council Notice Board: An application has been submitted to Wychavon District Council for the notice board to be re-sited as a free standing board, encased in wood, adjacent to the pillar box in Church Street.

War Memorial: The clerk is seeking quotes for the three corners of grass triangle to be replaced with setts.

Finance: The parish council accounts for the year end March 31, 2003, have now been submitted to the auditor.

Overhanging Trees/Hedges: The council would like to remind all householders and landowners that they have a responsibility to maintain any plants/trees on their land.

The next council meeting will be on Tuesday, September 9 in the committee room of the village hall. Members of the public are reminded that if they would like to speak at the open

forum, they need to attend at 7.30pm prompt.