HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY: The July meeting took the form of an evening outing to the Old Rectory garden at Bledington, many thanks go to Mr and Mrs Windsor for kindly allowing the society and friends to invade them on July 9. It was a perfect summer's evening and a perfect venue. Mr and Mrs Windsor have created a garden well worth visiting of approximately one acre. The competition for the evening was a buttonhole to be worn by ladies and gentlemen, which was won by retiring chairman Mr Ray Fardon.

And now to the most important event in the society's year, the Annual Show. Schedules can be obtained via Ray Fardon telephone 821087, Miss Bint on 820349, or you can request one from any member of the society. All entry forms and fees to Ray Fardon of Gorse Leigh, Rissington Road please, in order to help Miss Bint, who is doing very well after her spell in hospital but is not quite as mobile as she would like to be as yet. With regard to exhibits, with the good weather it is hoped many will be entering the vegetable, fruit and flower classes. If you do not have these in your garden why not try the domestic section, preserves, handicraft of all types, painting, photography - subjects this year being - Beauty, A local scene, Water and Transport. There will also be a cup for onions, shallots or leeks this year. If you have bored children home for school holidays or grandchildren, there are lots of classes for different age groups. The date is August 23. Closing date for entries Friday, August 15.