A MAJOR campaign has been mounted to rescue Bayton Church of England Primary School from the threat of closure.

The threat has come just two months after Pensax School, another rural primary school only three miles away, finally shut its doors.

Claims in an Educational Review by Worcestershire County Council that it would not be in the interests of the local community of Tenbury and Teme Valley to keep Bayton Church of England Primary School open, and an amalgamation with Far Forest Primary School would be a better option, have left the school and community reeling.

Backing the campaign

Expressing concerns and calling for more consultation, Tenbury MP Bill Wiggin confirmed: "I am backing this campaign because it is a decision that could have devastating effects on the local rural community. We have already seen the closure of Pensax School and rural lifelines like village post offices and I fear for the Teme Valley. It is succumbing to a gradual process of urbanisation.

"Nobody has asked my constituents, especially those who live in the vicinity, whether or not they are happy with this process," he added.

Bayton Primary School has recently received a third consecutive Achievement of significant progress commendation from Ofsted, showing clear evidence of the school's exceptional track record.

Headteacher Avis Pounder said: "This is an excellent school with some of the highest standards in the county, and it fulfills every criteria against which the LEA will judge us. We have set up a campaign committee to ensure our future and invite people to support us."

Worcesrshire County Council press officer, Lee Shrimpton, confirmed: "The consultation document came out in June and we have arranged separate meetings between our officers and school staff, governors and parents in October. They will have the opportunity to air their concerns and these will be taken into consideration at the end of November."

Opposing the plans and declaring his 'strong feelings', county councillor Reg