Paramedics who treated a two-year-old boy when he collapsed in a supermarket on Monday afternoon have been praised for their quick thinking.

Young Harry Briggs fell unconscious after seeing another toddler injured when a glass bottle smashed onto the floor in Sainsbury's in Blackpole.

Doctors now believe that the youngster could have a condition called reflexanoxia, which causes him to black out when he is shocked or frustrated.

Six stitches

An ambulance crew had been called to deal with Ella Cashion, who needed six stitches after the bottle accident, but were instead required to turn their attention to Harry, who went blue.

"They were absolutely brilliant, I can't thank them enough for acting as quickly and sufficiently as they did," said Harry's mother Rachel.

"I had gone over to see to the other little girl as I am a senior sister at the Neo-natal Intensive Care Unit at Worcestershire Royal, but when I turned round Harry was on the floor.


"By the time the ambulance arrived he was unconscious and was blue. They were excellent and there was a crash team waiting for us at the hospital, although by then Harry had come round."

Harry was released from hospital that night after seeing a consultant.

Ella Cashion, whose ordeal was highlighted in yesterday's Evening News, was released from hospital on Tuesday.