THE 192nd meeting took place at The Swan Hotel on June 25 and 11 apologies were received from members.

Four members had celebrated birthdays, including Derek Turner's 80th, and the president wished them good health and many more birthdays.

Mac continued to cope well at home.

The social secretary gave details of a proposed visit to Malvern Theatres in August.

Speaker Harry Hayton started by explaining the history of the start of the police force from 1780 onwards.

Harry joined the Yorkshire Police Force in 1946 following his service in the RAF. Discipline was hard and the hours were long and overtime payment unheard of.

After initial training, he was moved to a small village where he suffered the awful winter of 1946.

During that time, one of his tasks was to attend some dreadful accidents, at times involving children, and a level crossing accident where a fellow constable was killed by boiling tar.

Harry gave details of his various promotions and moves to such places as Keighley and Doncaster and finally to Ryton-on-Dunsmore.

His final comments were to deplore the present situation where the public seemed to show no respect for the police and he felt that he could not possibly serve today.

The next meeting will be the AGM on July 23.