YOUR sad, anonymous correspondent makes a number of assumptions (Letters July 2), of equal irrelevance and factual error.

He/she may be interested to learn that at the meeting on July 2 of Worcestershire Highways Partnership - Redditch, the recently appointed Head of Highways Maintenance and Integrated Transportation visited us from County Hall, together with his nominated traffic engineer, when we had a full and frank exchange of views.

Not only on the issues of traffic calming, accident reduction measures and local concerns, but also on other matters.

I addressed the meeting on the Abbey Stadium development proposals and perceived traffic problems.

The tone of this "shrinking violet" reminds me of a phrase coined at the same time as that quoted in my last letter: 'A malicious menstrual-motivated moron," when in my experience, they can be found in both sexes.

County Councillor Tom Wareing

Jays Close

Winyates Green