THE new vicar at St Michael's Church in Broadway is looking forward to enjoying some of his favourite pastimes in the village.

The Rev Terry Mason, aged 46, said he expected rural ministry in Broadway would be very different from his current church in Rochester, the hub of a government regeneration project for the Thames gateway.

But he hoped he would be able to enjoy his walking, searching for antiques and sharing time with people over a good cup of coffee.

"I'll be able to get to know people in a sizeable parish. It will be on a more personal level, population-wise. I'm really looking forward to welcoming people to the church.

"I hope there is a great sense of anticipation of new things in Broadway, although it's not going to be a simple 'out with the old and in with the new'. We all bring our own unique gifts to the church."

Mr Mason spent 17 years working in the printing industry before going through the church selection process, training at Trinity College in Bristol and being ordained seven years ago.

"I've always had a life in the church. When I was 30 years old I thought that I should be doing something else and that sense of calling came back," he said.

Mr Mason and wife Norma, who celebrated their silver wedding anniversary last week, and their grown-up children Stuart and Hannah, will move to Broadway in time for his formal induction by the Bishop of Worcester in September.