CONTINENTAL Ambience fine words indeed, where on earth do they get them? It brings to mind another expression Silk Purse From a Sows Ear.

I agree entirely that the Market Place in Evesham is in need of improvement and could be and should be a real asset to the town.

The problem is that the block paving in the square is a disgrace and is not a particularly encouraging example of planners ideas for the town.

I dread to think what scheme they will come up for the improvement of the High Street. I thought that the traffic system had already been improved.

If the last idiot scheme is anything to go by we should be able to look forward to absolute chaos in the future. Evesham has so much going for it, I know that it is fashionable to run the town down, but it is a lovely place with lots of good people and it deserves better treatment than it usually gets at the hands of those who love to spend our money.

R NEW, Colletts Gardens, Broadway.