VILLAGE HALL: Cream teas were served on the Lower Green on Sunday afternoon in aid of village hall refurbishment funds and £289 was raised. Organisers Jennie Bond and Val Roberts thanked their helpers and supporters.

ST PETER'S MARKET/COFFEE MORNING: As part of the Patronal Celebrations weekend the annual market and coffee morning on Saturday at the village hall raised £600 for church funds.

SONGS OF PRAISE: The St Peter's Songs of Praise held on the Sawpit Green was again well attended. The service was conducted by the Rev David Vince (Rector) assisted by the Rev Stephen Mullings (Methodist Minister) and Canon Peter Burch. Music was provided by the Salvation Army Band (Gloucester) and the service was preceded by the Morris Dancers. Teas were served in the village hall.

WILLERSEY MUSIC: Tickets are now on sale for the song recital at St Peter's Church on Saturday, August 2, at 7pm. The ticket price of £8 includes wine and refreshments after the recital in the gardens of Herons. Inquiries 858094 or 853309.

COFFEE MORNING: A successful coffee morning was held at the Methodist Church. Proceeds go to the Home and Overseas Missions.

JOHN WESLEY ANNIVERSARY: As part of the Methodist celebration of the 300th anniversary of John Wesley's birth an open air Songs of Praise will be held at the Methodist Church on Saturday, July 12, at 6pm, followed by refreshments.

CHRISTIAN AID: The annual door-to-door collections raised £983, exceeding last year's total by about £250. Local organiser David Ingles has thanked all who collected and those who contributed in any way.

WEDNESDAY CLUB: The club's season ended with the annual tea party in the village hall. After a quiz members were entertained by the Willersey Whizz Kids before enjoying another excellent tea provided and served by the committee. The club resumes after a summer break on Wednesday, September 17 when existing and, hopefully some new members, will be made welcome.

BLEDISLOE COMPETITION: Once again the village has entered the Bledisloe Best Kept Village Competition. As last year's winners Willersey are not able to enter for the cup this year but will be competing for the Bledisloe Plate which is awarded to the Best of Previous Winners. Judging starts on Saturday.

MOBILE POLICE STATION: The next visit of the Mobile Police Station will be on Monday, July 21, on the Green, from 6.15pm to 7.15pm. For calls other than 999 please ring 0845 090 1234.

SNOOKER: The annual prize-giving and social evening was held in the village hall with proceeds being donated to Guide Dogs for the Blind. Competition results were: singles - winner: Andy Smith; runner-up Mike Simms. Over 60s winner: Mike Simms; runner-up Lawrence Roberts; doubles winners: Andy Smith, Frank Brown; runner-up: Arthur Hawkins, Les Smith; pot-black trophy: Andy Smith.

PARISH COUNCIL: The new parish council has now met with one new member, Mr Tim Goodliffe, taking the place of Mr Syd Allen. The council is now: Maurice Andrews (chairman), Phil Keatley (vice chairman), Tim Goodliffe, Richard Ingles, Mrs Mal Jelfs, Mrs Jean Moore, Mrs Judy Munt, Michael Munt, and Mrs Annie Oayne. The clerk to the council is Mr Philip Ord (01386 853526).

At its June meeting the council agreed to meet residents to discuss the new Access to Village Greens Act and to meet the Village Appraisal Group to discuss its recommendations resulting from the recent survey.

VILLAGE FORUM: At the June meeting under the chairmanship of Maurice Andrews, matters of local and general interest were discussed including the result of the Foxhill planning appeal; car parking in the village; street lighting; and the possibility of changing the village post code from WR12 to a Gloucestershire code. The chairman undertook to report back to the next meeting of the parish council.