ANYONE who fancies a thrilling week of hot-air ballooning in France could see a dream come true later this month.

Redditch-based Polomoche Balloon Team needs one more member for its trip to Mondiale '03 in Chambley, north-eastern France, where nearly 1,000 balloons from around the world will be gathered.

Team pilot Dave Such, of Crabbs Cross, said: "This will be the second time we have attended the event.

"In 2001, we flew one of our balloons with more than 600 other balloons during the seven-day event."

But because the team is one member short this year, anyone with £150 to spare and time available between July 24 and August 2 is invited to apply. Training will be provided.

Anyone interested canapply to Mr Such on 541838 or 07989 988082 or e-mail him at