CONTRARY to my initial predictions for Van Wilder and complete reluctance to even sully my DVD player with it, this film is actually quite funny.

Ryan Reynolds plays Van Wilder, a college guy that can get things done. He has the cash, the willing and the wit to deal with most situations.

Until his hard-nose, hustling, business bod dad realises his party-loving offspring has actually been at college for more than seven years, without an exam to his name.

When daddy-dearest pulls his funding, Van and his buddies set about earning his tuition fees in a number of bizarre ways, including providing students with topless tutors.

What results is a number of really good laughs which are unfortunately surrounded by an infantile dialogue.

Ryan Reynolds however is superb and anybody who knows and loved films such as National Lampoon's European Vacation etc starring the wonderful Chevy Chase will be delighted to know that Mr Reynolds is like a young Chevy. I predict huge things for this great comic actor's future.

This film is really lacking in certain places and at times is quite stupid, but there are moments of great humour and generally, it is a fun film.