December 13, 1902

MICHAEL Daly, a tramp, in custody, was charged with being drunk and disorderly and assaulting Police Constables Garrard and White at Redditch on December 6th.

Superintendent Hayes said this was not an ordinary case.

The prisoner was very drunk and in consequence of his disorderly conduct, it became necessary to arrest him.

In a short time, a hostile crowd of between three and four hundred persons had assembled and in consequence of what was said, the prisoner became very violent; he kicked the officers right and left, two of them being badly bruised about the legs and it required the united efforts of five policemen to convey him to the station.

Evidence was next given by PC Garrard. At 10.30 on Saturday night he was in the Market Place when he saw the prisoner who was very drunk and advised him to go to his lodgings.

He refused and commenced to use most disgusting language and witness took him into custody.

By this time, the crowd had become very thick and some shouted 'knife him, knife him,' meaning the witness.

Prisoner behaved like a madman.

For being drunk and disorderly he was fined 5s and 4s costs or seven days and for the assaults the bench sent him to prison for seven days in each case, 21 days in all.