March 24, 1978

A LAST-minute decision to rob homeless youngsters of their dream 'coffee bar' could mean an angry confrontation with officials.

For the youngsters are threatening organised squatting and picketing of council offices - and the spokeswoman says she can do nothing about it.

The youngsters were offered a derelict building on Hewell Road to turn into a meeting place and coffee bar.

Now the council has decided it needs the land the building stands on for part of a redevelopment scheme.

"The building was in a terrible state but despite all the obstacles, we were willing to accept it," said Miss Shirley Boddy, a member of the youth coffee bar committee.

"The kids had waited so long for a place and when they had finally almost got it in the palm of their hands, it was snatched away like a teddy bear from a child.

"Now they are angry and disappointed and talking seriously of taking the law into their own hands and if they do, I won't be able to stop them."

The youngsters were offered the derelict building, known locally as the Toledo Caf by the development corporation, three weeks ago.

Redditch District Council had plans to build houses directly behind the derelict building for the past five years and it is expected work will begin during 1979/80.